A couple of orders in this week, including:
Ojingogo by Matthew Forsythe -plentiful copies for the launch party on Saturday.
Louis Riel by Chester Brown - restock on this perennial favorite.
What It Is by Lynda Barry - restock on this fun filled popular title on creativity.
Bat-Manga: the Secret History of Batman in Japan - edited by Chip Kidd, super-cool book.
Pyongyang by Guy Delisle - before his new The Burma Chronicles, Delisle dipped into North Korea, and also visited China for Shenzen.
Historyonics - history themed anthology from Cloudscape Comics
Maps and Legends by Michael Chabon - to accompany his other plentiful and in-stock titles Gentlemen of the Road, the Final Solution, the Yiddish Policeman's Union, and of course the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.
Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch - yes, the David Lynch - restock on this popular book of meditations.
Town of Mirrors by Robert Pollard - his new photo collage book from Fantagraphics - sweet!
Fuzz and Pluck: Splitsville hc - by Ted Stearn - a Lucky's all-time favorite, Fuzz and Pluck are full of surreal surprises and impossible gags.
Bed Bed Bed by Marcel Dzama with a They Might Be Giants CD included - kids love it!
Marcel Dzama Christmas Cards - need I say more? Also a couple copies of The Berliner Ensemble Thanks Us All in stock.
Many more titles back in stock, such as Palestine, Safe Area Gorazde, Ghost World, Edward Gorey Puzzle, Maus, Berlin vol 1 and 2, Juxtapoz Tattoo, Found Magazine #1 - 5, Sardine From Outer Space, and more!