Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lucky's newstuff 06 14 08

Because there seems to be a positive correlation between people knowing what we sell and people buying what we sell, here is the first installment blog posts letting you know what's arrived recently at Lucky's.

Books and Comics (new releases in bold):

Exit Wounds - Rutu Modan
Essex County Vol. 2: Ghost Stories
Mouse Guard: Fall 1152
Louis Riel - Chester Brown
Yiddish Policemen's Union - Michael Chabon
Maps And Legends - new Chabon
Milk Teeth - Julie Morstad
Idiots, Hypocrites, Demagogues
Mcsweeney's Issue 27 - amazing issue, three books in slipcase including Art Spiegelman drawing book, and gallery book of NYC drawing show curated by Dave Eggers
Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier and Clay - Chabon
Giraffes? Giraffes!
Animals Of The Ocean
Reading Comics and What They Mean - Douglas Wolk


Maple Story starters and boosters
Pokemon Great Encounters theme decks and boosters
Naruto the Chosen boosters
Bleach Seireirei and Soul Society boosters
Yu-Gi-Oh Dark Emperor structure decks
Magic the Gathering Chinese Portal starters
Bella Sara boosters