List of
new and restocked items in recently:
Zeitoun - Dave Eggers
Strain - Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan
Asterios Polyp - David Mazzucchelli
Low Moon - Jason
Cometbus #53 - Aaron Cometbus
Be A Nose - Art Spiegelman
Everybody is Stupid Except for Me - Peter Bagge
Juxtapoz Poster Art
Reich #6 - Elijah Brubaker
Follow Me - Jesse Moynihan
Dirtbags: Mallchicks and Motorbikes - Dave Keirsch
The Art of Harvey Kurtzman hc
Multiforce - Mat Brinkman
Tales Designed to Thrizzle hc collection - Michael Kupperman
The Photographer - Emmanuel Guibert
Paul Pope - 100%
David Berman - The Portable February
Skim - Mariko and Jillian Tamaki
The Blot - Tom Neely
Jin and Jam - Hellen Jo
Mourning Star vol. 2 - Kazmir Strzepek
Cat Getting Out of the Bag - Jeffrey Brown
Philip K. Dick books: Radio Free Albemuth, Scanner Darkly, the Man Who Japed, Monority Report, Now Wait for Last Year, Counter-Clock World, Flow My Tears the Policeman Said
Tokyo Zombie - Yusaku Hanakuma
Tree Show - Mark Ryden
Notes for a War Story - Gipi
Big Questions #11 - Andres Nilsen
Blazing Combat anthology - Fantagraphics
Papercutter #10, 9, 8, and 5
Fart Party vol. 2
Boy's Club #1 and 2 - Matt Furie
Created in Darkness by Troubled Americans - McSweeney's humor anthology
Mountain Man Dance Moves - McSweeney's Book of Lists - humor anthology
Like a Velvet Glove Cast In Iron - Daniel Clowes
Bigfoot: I Not Dead - Graham Rounieu
Capacity - Theo Ellsworth
Sardine In Outer Space vol 1 - 6
Catching the Big Fish - David Lynch
Epileptic - David B.
Blankets - Craig Thompson
Ode to Kirihito - Osamu Tezuka
American Born Chinese - Gene Luen Yang
Beach Boys - Pet Sounds 180g vinyl
Bonnie "Prince" Billy - Beware LP
Neko Case - Blacklisted LP
The Clash - London Calling LP
Destroyer - City of Daughters/Theif LP
Mount Eerie - Dawn (Book + CD)
New Pornographers - Mass Romantic LP
Joanna Newsom - Milk-Eyed Minder
Nu Sensae - s/t
Silver Jews - American Water